East Aurora Acupuncture & Center for Wellbeing is owned and operated by Dr. Rachel Smith, DAc., MS, DipAc. Rachel is a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City, where she received a Masters Degree of Science in Acupuncture. She continued her studies at Pacific College to become a Doctor of Acpuncture, and was the first Doctor of Acupuncture in Western New York. She is licensed in New York State and is Nationally Board Certified by the National Commission on Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is also a member of the Acupuncture Society of New York (ASNY).
Rachel has over 3600 hours of education and training in Chinese Medicine. Her studies included many biological aspects of Western medicine as well as clinical research and design. She is very passionate about the integration of Eastern and Western physical medicine, and enjoys working with a variety of conditions.
Please visit www.EAacupuncture.com for more information.